Hypertension is the medical name for the condition, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure continues to rise. The World Health Organization has set up these pressures are considered to be "normal" level. This is a 120/80. If you have high blood pressure, doctors will try to use certain types of drugs to control it. This can only manage your condition does not get its reasons. It does not disappear, it will come back, if you stop taking the medication, but it does not have to be like this.
There are some simple things you can do to reduce high BP readings may also quit their drug has been prescribed.
You need for the rest of your life hypertension drugs?
This is a common question asked the doctor, the answer is usually: as the case may be. It depends on you!
Whether you are taking high blood pressure drugs destined to increasing doses of the rest of your life, or you successfully weaned from these drugs depends on whether you take responsibility and do something positive about your condition.
If you just want to take birth control pills, the doctor gave you and your life, as it is now, then you choose antihypertensive drugs for the rest of your life.
On the other hand, you have to take effective action, if you want to lower your high blood pressure to normal levels, and was successfully weaned off medication.
How to become successful weaning hypertension drugs
The first step in this process is to understand your condition is not a disease. This is an important sign to tell you, there is nothing wrong with your body. Fortunately, most of the conditions caused by hypertension simple but important lifestyle changes respond.
Lifestyle changes in order to reduce high blood pressure:
# 1. A healthy and balanced diet
A healthy and balanced diet:
High variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts,
Low, sodium, and
Little or no trans fat or high in processed foods low in saturated fat.
Your body needs about two liters of water a day, normal operation, and proper hydration. Green tea, which has been shown to reduce hypertension, may be formed with some of the requirements of the the fluid. Sugary carbonated drinks should be avoided, as these have been shown to contribute to high blood pressure.
# 2. Become more active
Many studies have shown that 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day can reduce high blood pressure. The best form of exercise is walking in a fast-paced, so your heart rate elevated. If you can not exercise this period of time, two 20-minute meeting, would be useful.
Diet and exercise are the two most important factors in reducing hypertension. They led a joint application to the next most important factor, that is:
# 3. Lose weight
There is a direct correlation between overweight and hypertension. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight, reducing high blood pressure.
# 4. Quit smoking
If you are a smoker, you are trying to lower your blood pressure is high, effectively an arm behind his back. Every time you smoke, your body releases adrenaline. This hormone causes a short-term rise in blood pressure. This reaction by our ancestors, to boost the energy they need to escape from a dangerous situation or to defend himself.
There are other health risks associated with smoking, also cause high blood pressure. Smoking causes your arteries "Long Hair". This makes it harder for your blood flow, causing high blood pressure.
Smoking atherosclerosis and arterial hardening lining and smooth muscle, so that they lose their elasticity in your blood vessels is damaged. In turn, this will lead to high blood pressure.
# 5. Reduce alcohol consumption
There is some evidence to support by relaxing our opinion, limited alcohol consumption reduce hypertension. The bar is very low. This is just one unit of alcohol a day, two units a day for women and men. Than this high consumption may lead to weight gain and high blood pressure.
# 6. Relax
Relaxation can be active or passive. This might read a book or listen to some music as simple. Squelch Your simple-minded meditation is also very effective way to reduce high blood pressure
These simple lifestyle changes, you will not have to take high blood pressure drugs the rest of your life - but only if you choose to take effective action to reduce your high blood pressure.
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