Sunday, November 4, 2012

Can help you manage your food portions, treat your diabetes

The food indeed it seems that everyone has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes operational life: its scope, what foods they should eat when they eat it. Another major problem associated with food is not what they eat, but how much. Can easily be made part of the control, or fracture, diabetes diet plan. Fortunately, there are some simple guidelines to help manage this area of ​​food.

Usually you have after a meal of leftovers. Know how to properly store these leftovers is essential to prevent further meal disaster. The very important point is that the count of the mark the rest of the container in the carbohydrate. You may also remember how much carbohydrate vegetables, it is actually prepared, but you may forget or remember the next time the wrong amount, you have to dig in.

Use smaller plates when you eat. It sounds a bit simple, but it does work. Your brain will be programmed to a complement plate with food, especially when you are too hungry. If your meals is increased by the desire of a few of your favorite foods, or even more! Use a smaller plate, each meeting will help to limit food intake.

It comes to meat, nutritionists recommend that a certain amount of meat is a reason. If you're going to eat meat, then you need to adhere to nutritionists recommend portion control as much as possible. The only way to ensure this is the scale of investment in the food. These scales are relatively inexpensive, and worth its weight in gold. If five ounces of chicken is the correct amount, called ... weighted.

If you feel the desire to immerse in your favorite treatment, ensure that you control how much you have in one meeting. As long as you home, is divided into the appropriate part of the treatment. Post your first indulgence and freeze the rest. If guests can not be frozen, and separating at least, storing it in a separate container in order to avoid excessive.

And treat a good rule of thumb is ... if you do not, you can not eat. If you know you have a weakness in the chip, and then only buy a pack. Know that you have a limited supply, and will help you ration out.

If you have a tendency to, as long as you clean your plate back for a few seconds, and then get an egg timer. Once you have completed your first plate of food, set the timer for 15 minutes. If you're still hungry, start the timer, you can eat some. This allows your brain enough time with your body, you have enough food.

Type 2 diabetes is no longer a condition you have to just live with. It does not need to slowly but inevitably becomes worse. Disease ... you can control your health. The size of these parts!

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers search, and found some secrets to help you build a healthy body.

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