Monday, May 21, 2012

High anti-form fat's food will possibly affect your mood

snippy and irritable, and do not know why? Eat a diet of all-trans fat content of foods that are high and negative, even positive behavior has some interesting new research. This could be trans fat-laden goodies, you are wolfing down not only the problems caused by your body, but how you feel, as well.

Trans fatty acids in fried foods (French fries, donuts), and baked goods (cakes, pie shells, cookies, pizza dough, cookies, biscuits), preparing meals and snacks, as well as the staple food in many restaurants and fast food chain . Through an artificial process, they increased the hydrogen vegetable oil in liquid form, so that they become solid.

This is until the mid-1990s, experts began to look for potential health problems of trans fat, and suggested that we are beginning to "partially hydrogenated oils in food labeling.

Previous studies have found that dietary trans fat, cholesterol, metabolic function, insulin resistance, inflammation, heart and overall adverse health effects. To eat these types of fat is known to increase not only of heart disease also have a potentially devastating stroke, the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For this latest work, the researchers examined the diet and 945 male and female behavior. They accounted for a subjects' acts of aggression and their use of alcohol or tobacco history, other factors such as poor mood. Team to see those in a higher trans fatty acid levels show an increased risk of negative behavior - impatience, irritability and aggression - less than those in trans fat.

Forecast with more and always be able to attack than any other prediction of aggression on trans fat intake assessment, according to researchers. If you have a result, they may increase the recommendation of the power to stop eating these foods, or let them in institutions such as schools or prisons as.

If you're looking to manage your intake of trans fat intake recommended by the AHA (American Heart Association) limit the day's total calorie intake is less than 1%. So, if you are on a 2000 calorie diet, which allows up to 20 calories from trans fat. Work less than two grams a day, these fats. This makes no industry to create room for trans fats, you will get all you need to eat from you anyway, natural sources.

Here are some good suggestions, irritability, tension and anxiety, consider the other you hold:

- Avoid refined sugar because it causes the blood sugar of all kinds of trouble, which can trigger mood swings and irritability.

- Look at your caffeine intake, if you're tired, ran down can increase the pressure, and worse, your mood.

- In the form of food and liquid enough water, because it helps anti-stress and irritability.

- BREW a cup of tea, relaxed feeling, as your SIP research shows that it can lower blood pressure support, and improve mood and immunity. Is also equipped with tea's natural antioxidants to help fight stress.

According to these techniques, you can avoid the emotional changes caused by the trans fat content of foods that are high.

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