Monday, May 14, 2012

How is the sleep insufficient increases you to contract diabetes' opportunity?

Sleep experts pointed out that almost every American did not get enough sleep. Under normal circumstances, people should be at least 8 hours, but most people, even six or seven hours! Many people also have a variety, such as one of the sleep disorders:

Sleep Apnea
Restless legs syndrome,
Sleep the confusion caused by a potential barrier.

Sleep problems caused by stress, they tend to weaken your immune system has an overall negative impact on your lifestyle, as well. It is always best if you consult with your doctor, rather than resorting to non-prescription drugs can interact with, and even endanger your diabetes medicine.

According to the study, sleep no more than unlock your diabetes care. From Hokkaido University in Japan in Saporro, the latest research on sleep and diabetes.

The study, published in Diabetes Care, December 2011, watching the volunteers in sleep length and sleep quality related to type 2 diabetes family history in risk conditions. 3 000 500 70 non-diabetic volunteers who are included.

121, or 3.4%, type 2 diabetes.

Who slept five hours or less per night volunteers, more than five times the development of those who slept more than seven hours per night the risk of diabetes. Wake up at night, the feeling of not getting enough sleep or poor sleep quality, 3.71 times more likely than those who sleep all night and feel well rested for the development of diabetic individuals.

The conclusions from these results is to get enough good sleep quality, and help to prevent type 2 diabetes without a family history of the people ...

Cancer patients sleep, you can apply to the skills of anyone in the U.S. Mayo Clinic ...

A. The first is to establish and maintain good sleep habits, including to bed at the same time every day for regular.

B. The second technique is to take the medication, soft music or yoga stretching before going to bed a few minutes.

C. Nap can make it difficult to sleep during the day and night, so if you must nap, limit it to 30-60 minutes max.

D. Limit intake of coffee, tea, soda or other caffeinated beverages, especially in the afternoon and evening.

If you sleep to escape, try a very short period of time for relaxing activities, such as reading, get up. Curtains, earplugs and necessary in the bedroom to create a quiet, relaxed environment. Should sort out any pain interferes with sleep.

If you work at night or evening sleep problems caused by this issue should be facing the same way. Establish a regular sleep time. If your house at 8:00 am and in a timely manner to go to bed to sleep, you need to sleep until around 4:00 pm. Turn off the phone, and out of the bell!

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