Low back pain is very common, it can be mild or very intense. Chronic low back pain can have a negative impact, may interfere with your career, even let you do things you love. For many people, this pain from the injury or illness can be effectively treated with traditional methods, but many other patients will never know the reason of their suffering.
For these people, the pain they feel may be stress-related, many doctors tend to ignore this option. For this reason, they may continue to see why you have pain, rather than to inform you that the pain is likely to be stress-related physical reasons.
A long time, this type of pain, can not properly handled from the pain caused by other medical conditions, it is just as bad. However, the traditional method does not help, because there is no injury or damage, the need to heal. Drugs, treatment, adjustment and other conventional treatment for pain relief performance by the brain.
Stress triggers the process of pain,
A person's environment and personality can play an important role in stress-related pain. Patients living in the stressful environment and those who do not deal with their emotions in a healthy way, usually the most luxurious. The process begins when the pressure becomes more than you can handle.
Began to emerge from the long-suppressed memories of your subconscious. As a result, the brain will slowly reduce the blood flow to your waist area, as a kind of emotional security. The oxygen content decreased, resulting in waste products, the establishment of the repressed memories of your attention away from pain development. The good news is that this process will not cause any permanent damage, but the pain is very real.
Many doctors can not explain this process, a variety of reasons including the fact that they may not know their patients. Even if your doctor does not recommend that your pain may be the result of stress and repressed emotions, they may not tell you, you could be suffering from this, there is no medication for relief.
If you are overweight and suffering from lower back pain, chances are you have been told that if they lose weight, your pain will improve or disappear completely. However, this may not be the case. This is a good idea, but everyone maintain a healthy weight, it is not necessarily the reason you have low back pain. If your pain is stress-related weight loss will not get rid of the pain.
How to relieve stress-related pain
The first step in treatment of stress-related pain is to understand what it is, how it affects you and it is a real problem is not a fictional. Once you understand, are not subject to injury, illness or some other medical problems, and cause pain, in fact, does no harm to your body, you will be closer to the step to get rid of pain. Only know that this information should make you feel better.
There are many programs that can help you eliminate or at least control stress-related chronic low back pain. You can join support groups or professionals to help you through your work.
In the past, doctors believe that this type of pain is not real, it's just in your head. However, things have been the past few years has changed a lot. Health care workers to learn, have a real connection between your emotional state and pain. Are dealing with this knowledge and acceptance in the medical field, doctors are beginning to transmit this information to their patients.
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